A fence lined with tall, neatly pruned shrubs in a landscape bed.

Shaping and Pruning of Shrubs

We prune the shrubs on your property to ensure they maintain aesthetic and symmetric integrity.

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Benefits of Pruning Your Plants

  • Increases lifespan
  • Improves appearance
  • Reduces the likelihood of disease
  • It improves the health of the plants by allowing more sunlight to reach them

😍  We love caring for the local plant material and would be happy to do it for you!  😍

A cartoon mascot of Mike, owner of Telos Lawn Care. He is wearing a hat and a blue shirt and holding an electric hedge pruner.

Trimming Hedges & Low Hanging Tree Branches

Pruning is an important part of every landscaping program. Without proper pruning, your trees and shrubs will not enjoy premium health.

We prune everything from hedgerows to individual bushes and shrubs.

We can also prune ornamental trees and low-hanging branches of larger trees.

Ornamental grasses and perennial flowers can be cut back during a Telos Lawn Care pruning service as well.

Small Local Business

Hermiston's Plant Experts

Telos Lawn Care’s employees are extremely knowledgeable about the native plants in our area and how to care for them properly.

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When to prune your plants?

Pruning is best done on an as-needed basis.  Regular pruning keeps plants from becoming overgrown and unhealthy.
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View Past Landscaping Projects Involving Pruning

See before and after photos of Telos Lawn Care’s landscaping project which involved pruning a hedgerow and weeping branches of a large tree.
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How much does a bush trimming service cost?

We can provide you with a personal quote for your landscape’s needs.  Pricing is dependent on the number and size of the plants in need of pruning.
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Read Shrub Pruning Reviews

You don’t have to take it from us!  Our awesome customer base has already shared their experience using Telos Lawn Care’s hedge trimming service in Hermiston and nearby.

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